Empezamos a festejar el dÃa del skate con anticipación.
«Dibujitos tontos sobre skateboarding» entrevista a Ben Jensen de WAYBAD
Ben Jensen es un hombre adulto de Ottawa, Canadá. Cada día está más viejo. Necesita que le den de comer por lo menos 21 veces por semana. Tiene una esposa y 3 hijos y trabaja como loco. En su tiempo libre patina en skate lo más que pueda (pero no todo lo que quisiera) y hace unos dibujitos muy tontos sobre cositas muy tontas, sobre todo de skateboarding. Logró hacer trabajos gráficos para Vans, Noah, Maximum Rockandroll y comics para Adult Swin. Se baña a diario.
Who is Ben Jensen?
Ben Jensen is an adult human male from Ottawa, Canada. He gets older every day. He needs to be fed at least 21 times a week. He has a wife and three kids, and he works as a mason. In his free time, he skateboards as much as possible (but not as much as he’d like), and makes silly little drawings about silly little things, mostly skateboarding. He’s gotten to do graphic work for Vans, Noah, Maximum Rocknroll and comics for Adult Swim. He bathes daily.
A veces si no estoy satisfecho por como salieron los detalles lo que hago es trazar el dibujo de nuevo con la caja de luz y trato de arreglar los errores de esa manera, pero por otro lado tampoco tengo el tiempo o la atención para hacerlo de otra manera.
How did you get started with WayBad? Can you talk a bit about your creative process?
I started Way Bad after my first child was born. When you have a baby at home, you don’t go out as much, and I started drawing at night after the baby went to bed. I posted those drawings on the internet, and people liked them. People hated them too, but the people who count like them, and I got hired by Vans to do a t-shirt. Crazy.
As far as my creative process, I basically get an idea for a comic or a drawing when I’m doing something else, like skateboarding, or working, or chores. I don’t spend a lot of time brainstorming with a sketch pad. Unless it’s a commissioned piece like a board graphic or something, where I have to really work to figure out how best to execute an idea.
In general, my pieces are kinda hit-it-and-quit-it. The final product is basically the whole process; I don’t do multiple versions of stuff. Sometimes I’ll be unhappy with how little details turned out, so I’ll trace over the drawing with the light box to do it over and fix those little mistakes, but other than that, I don’t have the time or the attention span to do more.
Es también un poco el humor que me gusta en mis comics, donde alguien se puede poner a pensar si me estoy riendo del skateboarding o no. También me gusta que no tenga un «punch line».
Which WayBad comic is your favorite and why?
My favorite Way Bad comic might be the one where the two dudes are sitting on their boards talking about “did you see the clip where the guy did the trick on the thing?” and “imagine if somebody did a trick on THAT thing?” I like it cuz A: I was happy with how the drawing turned out and B: I think it really captures how we talk as skateboarders. It’s also the kinda humor I like in my comics, where somebody might have trouble figuring out if I’m making fun of skateboarding or not. It also has no real “punch line” which I also like.
Se siente increíble, es muy loco. A veces, como cualquier persona, siento que no soy lo suficientemente exitoso o que me faltan logros, pero después me recuerdo a mi mismo que por lo menos 5 personas en el mundo tienen el tatuaje de un mago que dibuje vomitando en su sombrero de mago. ESO es el éxito, ESO es un logro.
How does it feel when you see people getting your drawings tattooed?
It feels incredible that people get my drawings tattooed. It’s so wild. Sometimes —like anybody— I feel like I’m not as successful or accomplished as I’d like to be, but then I remind myself that at least FIVE PEOPLE in the world have a tattoo of a wizard I drew barfing in his wizard hat. That’s crazy. THAT’S success. THAT’S accomplishment.
(porque OBVIO que tenían que ser australianos) me mandaron una foto de su amigo haciéndolo en la vida real. Paso siguiente subo la foto y a partir de ahí en adelante gente de todo el mundo me ha estado mandando fotos haciendo lo mismo y las voy subiendo todos los viernes. Últimamente estoy recibiendo menos asi que quizás ya cumplió su tiempo. De verdad que es difícil de hacer, es un kilombo, hay que tener habilidad.
#waybadpizzaslicebeerbong… it’s just beautiful! Tell us everything about it, please…
So the #waybadpizzaslicebeerbong is when someone chugs a beer through a slice of pizza that they’re holding to their mouth like a funnel. I just drew it one day cuz it’s stupid and I draw stupid things. About a week after I posted it on Instagram, some dudes from Australia (cuz of COURSE Australia) sent me a photo of their homie doing it in real life. So I posted that photo. Since then, people from all over the world have been sending me pizza bong photos and I’ve been posting them on fridays. I haven’t been getting as many lately tho. Maybe it’s run its course. They’re actually really hard to do. They’re crazy messy. It’s a real skill.
Foto: Jeremy Shanereid